Your Money Or Your Life?

We saw last Sunday why we need to talk about money in the church. It’s a heart issue that affects our relationship with God as well as with others. Money is just a tool that we must use according to God’s will and purpose, both for our enjoyment and our family’s benefit, but also for helping others. Money is also a test of our sincere devotion to God. We cannot serve both God and money. We must choose one. Once we fall in love with money, the enemy traps us into many foolish and harmful desires


Suzette Maala

10 août 2024

Your Money Or Your Life?


We saw last Sunday why we need to talk about money in the church. It’s a heart issue that affects our relationship with God as well as with others. Money is just a tool that we must use according to God’s will and purpose, both for our enjoyment and our family’s benefit, but also for helping others. Money is also a test of our sincere devotion to God. We cannot serve both God and money. We must choose one. Once we fall in love with money, the enemy traps us into many foolish and harmful desires that lead us into ruin. We must guard our hearts against this. Thankfully, the Lord Jesus will help us stay pure in our devotion to God. Even if we fail, the Lord will forgive us and restore us by His grace.

This leads us into an important question: What do we mean by being financially healthy in the Lord? What does it look like? Luke 12:13-34 gives us three characteristics.

1. Money is no longer central. (Luke 12:13-21)

Money is important. But for a person who is financially healthy in the Lord, money is no longer central. It does not define his or her life anymore. As Jesus said, “Life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” But many today define their lives by their possessions. When they have a lot of it, they feel secure. If not, they feel insecure. It is the most important thing for them. They see it as more important, for example, than their relationships. People fight over money, whether privately or publicly. When God blesses them, they see it as an opportunity to secure their lives even more for the future, not knowing that money will never give them true security. Only the Lord Jesus can give us true security. Money is just a tool. Once it becomes central in our lives, it becomes an idol.

2. Money is no longer a concern. (Luke 12:22-31)

Since money is no longer central, a financially healthy follower of Christ no longer concerns himself or herself about it. Their main concern is the kingdom of God, or how to know God’s will and purpose for their lives, as well as how to fulfill it by grace through faith. They will still do what they can to earn a living, whether by working for somebody (as an employee) or by working for themselves (as an entrepreneur), but their main concern is how to follow Christ each day of their lives. They do not worry about money anymore, because they know that their heavenly Father cares for them. They do not run after money; they run after the kingdom of God. In their decision making, they ask themselves, “How will this affect the fulfillment of God’s will for my life?” They will say Yes or No to an opportunity depending on how it will affect their obedience to Christ. They are not anxious about finances because they know that their heavenly Father knows about their needs.

3. Money is no longer controlling. (Luke 12:32-34)

Financially healthy followers of Christ are no longer captivated or controlled by money. They can let go of it anytime. They can be generous. They can give freely because their true riches are now in heaven, where no thief can steal or no moth can destroy. Jesus reassures them that they have been given the kingdom (i.e. they are now part of it), encouraging them to release their hold on earthly possessions and focus more on heavenly treasures. Jesus calls them to free themselves from the allure and love of money by investing in a treasure that does not fail—eternal life in God's kingdom. No longer controlled by money, they can now enjoy true freedom and peace by serving the Lord without anxiety. They can live with an eternal perspective, prioritizing spiritual growth and love for others, because they know that material wealth is just temporary and fleeting.


To be financially healthy is to live for eternity. Money is no longer central because our focus shifts from accumulating wealth to seeking treasures in heaven. It's no longer a concern because we trust in God's provision, knowing that He meets all our needs according to His riches and glory. Money is no longer controlling our lives, freeing us from the anxiety and stress that often accompany financial burdens. With this freedom, we can align our priorities with God's will, dedicating ourselves to His purposes rather than chasing material gains. Our time, talents, and resources can now be devoted to advancing God's kingdom and helping others rather than being trapped by the pursuit of wealth. By trusting in Jesus, we can be financially healthy. The Lord will set us free and we can be truly rich toward God.


  1. Reflect on whether money has ever felt central to your identity or self-worth. How has your perspective on money changed as your faith has grown? Are there specific areas where you find it challenging to keep money in its proper place?

  2. What practical steps can we take to ensure that money doesn't become the defining aspect of our lives? Consider sharing experiences where you've seen money become an idol, either in your own life or in others' lives. How can Scripture, prayer, and community help in this effort?

  3. Reflect on times when you've worried about finances and how trusting in God's provision has helped. How does focusing on God's kingdom change your financial priorities and decisions? Share practical ways to cultivate trust in God, especially when facing financial challenges.

  4. Consider how being financially healthy in the Lord allows us to give freely and generously. What are some ways you can practice generosity in your life? How does giving to others and supporting those in need reflect our commitment to God's kingdom?

  5. Discuss what it means to prioritize heavenly treasures over earthly wealth. How does this eternal perspective influence your daily choices and long-term goals? How can this mindset help reduce anxiety and stress related to money?

Memorize this verse

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