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The Enemy's TRAP

In our walk of faith, we often encounter challenges that can hinder our emotional and spiritual health. These challenges can be subtle yet powerful, affecting our ability to process our emotions. It's easy to become entangled in feelings and thoughts that lead us away from God's intended path for us. Today, we will explore the importance of recognizing these challenges to enable us to live more fully in God's grace and love together with others.

How are you feeling today?

Emotions wield significant power over our lives. They can inspire, drive, and create joy or passion, but they can also lead to stress, paralysis, and pain. Mismanagement of emotions—either through repression or overexpression—can have detrimental effects. When we fail to handle our emotions in a healthy, Biblical manner, we risk becoming emotionally immature. Emotional maturity is crucial for our overall well-being and our ability to fulfill our calling in Christ.

Test of Obedience

Tests are an essential part of our journey, refining and preparing us for God's work. They act as a purification process, enhancing our character and faith. Tests confirm the genuineness of our faith and build perseverance, patience, and spiritual maturity in us. Additionally, they prepare us for future challenges so that we can fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Tests are God's invitation for us to grow deeper in our faith in Him.

Gladness In Weakness

Nowadays, trial by publicity has become a norm most especially in social media. Whenever something is posted, it is easy for the public to make comments and sometimes, even bash people. Now, put yourself in the situation of those who are being bashed. Never mind if the accusations are true or not.

Faith Switchers

When we are undergoing trials, it seems that we are also stuck in helplessness and despair. We need God’s help. But we also have a role to play. We need to turn on our faith switchers, so to speak, to receive God’s help. James, the brother of Jesus, teaches us how to do this in James 1:2-18.

Walking in Forgiveness

We all fall short, either based on our own standards, the standards of others, or the standards of God Himself. The results are guilt and shame. It's hard to lift your head up high when you feel this way. The tendency is to be discouraged, to hold back, to put up a front, or to withdraw from others, even from God. It's hard to hear the word of God or to read your Bible when you feel guilty about your sins and mistakes. It's worse when you have a very critical or overly sensitive mind.

Leadership and Discernment

Leadership requires discernment. Discernment requires intentionality, time, and accountability. We cannot simply discern for the moment if we have not been practicing discernment as a lifestyle. We cannot just call for prayer and fasting to discern God's will for one day while our general practice is to do whatever we want at any time we want.

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