
Bong Baylon

A faithful follower of Jesus Christ

I'm the Senior Pastor of Real Life Christian Communities.

Jesus: The Model of True Humility

Imagine a world where everyone puts others first—a world of genuine relationships and deeper purpose. In Philippians 2:5-8, the Apostle Paul calls us to embrace the humility of Jesus, transforming our lives and relationships through selflessness, servanthood, and submission.

Sabbath: God's Gift of Rest

Many people today are experiencing chronic fatigue, exhaustion, insomnia, burnout, anxiety, irritability, foolishness in decision making, cognitive decline, lack of passion, relational dryness, constant conflicts, sickness, prayerlessness, inattention during worship time or fellowship, joylessness, numbness, depression, etc. How can we overcome these? Extended vacation time or day off? God’s answer is the practice of a regular Sabbath.

Age Doesn't Matter

Age is often viewed as a barrier in many areas of life, but in the Christian faith, it is not a hindrance to fulfilling God's calling. The Bible provides numerous examples and principles demonstrating that God's purposes transcend age.

Faith Switchers

When we are undergoing trials, it seems that we are also stuck in helplessness and despair. We need God’s help. But we also have a role to play. We need to turn on our faith switchers, so to speak, to receive God’s help. James, the brother of Jesus, teaches us how to do this in James 1:2-18.

Leadership and Discernment

Leadership requires discernment. Discernment requires intentionality, time, and accountability. We cannot simply discern for the moment if we have not been practicing discernment as a lifestyle. We cannot just call for prayer and fasting to discern God's will for one day while our general practice is to do whatever we want at any time we want.

Walking in Forgiveness

We all fall short, either based on our own standards, the standards of others, or the standards of God Himself. The results are guilt and shame. It's hard to lift your head up high when you feel this way. The tendency is to be discouraged, to hold back, to put up a front, or to withdraw from others, even from God. It's hard to hear the word of God or to read your Bible when you feel guilty about your sins and mistakes. It's worse when you have a very critical or overly sensitive mind.

New Sermon Series for June 2024

‭ 1 Peter 5:1-11 NIV‬ [1] To the elders among you, I appeal as a fellow elder and a witness of Christ’s sufferings who also will share in the glory to be revealed: [2] Be shepherds of God’s flock that...

The Full Scope Of Salvation

Beginning with ourselves, we can join God in making all kinds of "deserts" bloom with life and beauty. This is what salvation means. It does not begin and end with ourselves. We are being transformed ...

Our Spiritual Blessings In Christ

We can only experience every spiritual blessing from God through our union with Christ. Apart from our relationship with Him, which is always by grace through faith, we cannot experience all that God ...

Created In The Image Of God

Often we think of the phrase "image of God" in terms of either value (self worth) or capacities (i.e., our abilities to think, feel, etc.). Rarely, do we think of it as a vocation or mission. The phrase...