
Suzette Maala

Mastering The Body

"Life is a gift to enjoy, but true freedom and joy come through discipline. 📖✨ In 1 Corinthians 9:19-27, Paul shows us how mastering our bodies leads to spiritual and physical wellness. Let’s align our health with God’s vision and invite the Holy Spirit to guide us. 🙏💪 #Crossfit #rlccphil

Let’s Get Physical

The Apostle Paul, in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20, addresses sexual immorality – a sin against the body – occurring in the church at Corinth. As he admonishes the believers in Corinth, we see two fundamental reasons why we, as followers of Christ, should take care of our bodies. Today, we will explore these fundamental reasons, which should give us clarity on why we need to take physical health more seriously. Let us open our hearts and allow the Holy Spirit to enlighten us through God’s word and trans

Practicing Generosity By God’s Grace

Today, we will delve into Four Key Practices that can reshape our understanding of generosity and stewardship. As we navigate these principles, let’s open our hearts to the transformative power of generous living, allowing Scripture to guide us in making a meaningful impact in our world. All these are made possible through the grace that comes from our Lord Jesus Christ.

How are you feeling today?

Emotions wield significant power over our lives. They can inspire, drive, and create joy or passion, but they can also lead to stress, paralysis, and pain. Mismanagement of emotions—either through repression or overexpression—can have detrimental effects. When we fail to handle our emotions in a healthy, Biblical manner, we risk becoming emotionally immature. Emotional maturity is crucial for our overall well-being and our ability to fulfill our calling in Christ.

How To Process Our Emotions

Whenever we face significant emotional experiences, we often struggle to know what to do. Many of us end up bottling our emotions, engaging in escape patterns like staying busy, seeking distractions, pursuing more fun, or engaging in self-centered activities.

The Enemy's TRAP

In our walk of faith, we often encounter challenges that can hinder our emotional and spiritual health. These challenges can be subtle yet powerful, affecting our ability to process our emotions. It's easy to become entangled in feelings and thoughts that lead us away from God's intended path for us. Today, we will explore the importance of recognizing these challenges to enable us to live more fully in God's grace and love together with others.

Inside Out In Real Life

Processing our emotions can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. It requires effort, time, and courage to explore the depths of our inner selves. This journey is marked by ups and downs, but with God’s grace, we can evaluate our progress by looking at the life of Jesus, who exemplified what it means to be fully human while experiencing a wide range of emotions in various situations.

Your Money Or Your Life?

We saw last Sunday why we need to talk about money in the church. It’s a heart issue that affects our relationship with God as well as with others. Money is just a tool that we must use according to God’s will and purpose, both for our enjoyment and our family’s benefit, but also for helping others. Money is also a test of our sincere devotion to God. We cannot serve both God and money. We must choose one. Once we fall in love with money, the enemy traps us into many foolish and harmful desires

Financial Freedom Through God’s Wisdom

The truth is, the path to financial freedom begins not with a budget or an investment plan but with a shift in our hearts and minds, aligning our financial lives through God's wisdom. Today, we will explore how we can become the kind of people who live in this freedom, guided by biblical principles that transform our relationship with money.

Money Talks Again

Let’s dive into a topic that might make some of us feel a little uncomfortable: Money. We've talked about it before. Let's talk about it again. It's a subject often avoided, yet it holds significant power over our daily lives. Whether we like it or not, money is a central part of our existence. It affects our relationships, decisions, and even our spiritual journey.