Living a life of faith in Jesus as our Lord and Savior is the wisest choice we can make. It brings blessedness, fruitfulness, and security. However, maintaining such faith is challenging in a world that constantly pulls us away through temptations, trials, and distractions. Many people give up because they try to rely on their own strength. John 15:1-17 teaches us that living by faith is not about trying harder but about cultivating four essential priorities. We must take care of our inner being—our souls—over our outward actions or activities.
Four Priorities of Living by Faith
1. Remaining in Jesus (John 15:1-4).
Jesus describes Himself as the true vine and believers as the branches. Just as a branch cannot bear fruit unless it remains connected to the vine, we cannot flourish spiritually unless we remain in Christ. To remain in Him means to depend on Him daily, draw our strength from Him, and nurture our relationship through His Word. When we stay connected to Jesus, we bear fruit that reflects His life within us. Remaining in Jesus must be our priority.
You must consistently nurture your relationship with Jesus. Your faith is only as strong as your connection to Jesus. Just as a branch cannot survive apart from the vine, you cannot thrive spiritually unless you stay connected to Christ. Spend time in His Word, meditate on His teachings, and allow Him to shape your thoughts and actions. When you remain in Him, you will experience spiritual growth, resilience, and true fulfillment.
2. Remaining in Prayer (John 15:5-8).
Jesus emphasizes the importance of dependence on Him through prayer. He says, "Apart from me, you can do nothing." A prayerful life keeps us connected to God’s power and wisdom. It aligns our hearts with His will and deepens our trust in Him. Through prayer, we not only present our needs but also receive strength to overcome challenges and produce lasting fruit in our lives. Remaining in prayer must be our priority.
You need to make prayer a daily discipline, not just in moments of crisis but as a way of life. Prayer is your direct line to God. Without it, you operate in your own strength, which leads to spiritual weakness. Through prayer, you align your heart with God’s will and access His power for daily living. Set aside time to talk with God, listen to Him, and surrender your plans to Him. Through prayer, you will gain the confidence that He is working in and through you for His glory.
3. Remaining in Loving Obedience (John 15:9-11).
Jesus calls us to remain in His love by keeping His commands. Obedience is not about following rules rigidly but about living in response to His love. When we obey God’s commands, we stay within His will and experience the fullness of joy that comes from walking in His ways. Just as Jesus obeyed the Father and remained in His love, we are called to live in obedience to Christ. Remaining in obedience because of love must be our priority.
You must choose obedience daily, even when it is difficult or countercultural. Obedience is not just about following rules; it’s about staying within the love of Christ. When you obey out of love, you experience the fullness of His joy and live in harmony with His purpose for your life. Align your actions with God’s Word and trust that His ways are always best. As you walk in obedience, you will experience the joy and peace that come from a life surrendered to Him.
4.Remaining in the Community (John 15:12-17).
Jesus commands us to love one another as He has loved us. The Christian life is not meant to be lived in isolation but in the context of loving relationships. Community provides encouragement, accountability, and opportunities to serve one another. When we remain in fellowship with other believers, we reflect Christ’s love and strengthen each other’s faith. Remaining in the community must be our priority.
You should actively engage in Christian community. Faith was never meant to be lived in isolation. You need other believers to encourage you, hold you accountable, and help you grow. A strong Christian community reflects Christ’s love and strengthens your faith. Be intentional in building relationships, serving others, and allowing yourself to be supported and corrected in love. Through community, you will experience the deep joy of authentic, Christ-centered friendships.
“Living by faith is about choosing our priorities.” These four priorities—remaining in Jesus, in prayer, in obedience, and in community—are essential for a victorious and fruitful Christian life. They are not burdensome tasks but life-giving practices that deepen our relationship with God. By prioritizing your soul’s health, you will experience the abundant and fruitful life that Jesus promised.
Discussion Questions
1. What does it mean to "remain in Jesus" in your daily life?
2. How can you cultivate a more consistent and meaningful prayer life?
3. In what areas of your life do you struggle with obedience to God’s Word?
4. Why is Christian community essential for spiritual growth, and how can you engage more deeply in it?
5. Which of these four disciplines do you need to focus on most right now, and what steps will you take to grow in that area?