Proof of Life

Introduction: Are you sure? There are many promises of God but how can we be sure? Doubts are common even for those who have been Christians for a long time. During periods of doubt and uncertainty, ...


Bong Baylon

28 janv. 2024

Proof of Life


Are you sure? There are many promises of God but how can we be sure? Doubts are common even for those who have been Christians for a long time. During periods of doubt and uncertainty, we ask ourselves, "How can I be sure that all these are true? What if I am just trying to convince myself? What if it is just a hoax?" Such doubts can occur temporarily or they can linger on for a long time. The results are the same. We become immobilized by fear, worry, and consequently spiritual defeat. Are there proofs that can help us find our security in our walk of faith? Yes there are. In fact, there are three indisputable proofs that we can trust in.

Three Indisputable Proofs

1. Through Christ, God has shown that He is for us. (Romans 8:31-32)

Paul asks the rhetorical question: Who will be against us? His answer? No one. Why? God is for us. What is our indisputable proof? If He did not spare His own Son, just like Abraham did with Isaac, He will also, along with Jesus, graciously give us all things, even the whole creation, just as He revealed Himself to Abraham: The Lord will provide. (Genesis 22:14)

2. Through Christ, God has shown that He justifies us. (Romans 8:33-34)

Paul asks another rhetorical question: Who will bring any charge against us or condemn us? His answer? No one. Why? God justifies us. What is our indisputable proof? The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are actual facts. When we believe in these realities, God justifies us, for we are putting our faith in God who is behind all of it. (1 Peter 1:18-21)

3. Through Christ, God has shown that He loves us. (Romans 8:35-39)

Last but not least, Paul asks his final question: Who or what will separate us from the love of Christ? His answer? No one or nothing. Why? God loves us. What is our indisputable proof? God's relationship with Israel, which has been revealed historically and biblically, is proof of His unfailing love. (Psalm 44:25-26) Just like Israel, we can also rely on God's unfailing love to enable us to be more than conquerors against various threats. Most of all, through Jesus, the love of God has been ultimately revealed. (John 3:16)


1. Turning Point: "Jesus is our proof of life."

2. Our faith is not based on our thoughts or feelings. It is based on the indisputable fact of who Jesus is and what He has done, is doing, and will do for us.

3. The next time you are filled with doubts, remember Jesus.


1. How do doubts about your faith manifest in your life, and have you experienced periods of doubt or uncertainty? Share with the group.

2. According to Romans 8:31-32, Paul emphasizes that God is for us. How does the concept of God being for us provide an indisputable proof of His love and favor? How does this assurance impact your daily life?

3. The sermon mentions the death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus as indisputable proof of our justification (Romans 8:33-34). How does understanding and believing in these events contribute to your assurance of being justified before God?

4. Romans 8:35-39 speaks of God's love that nothing can separate us from. How does God's love, as portrayed in the relationship with Israel and ultimately revealed through Jesus, influence your perspective on challenges and threats in life?

5. In times of doubt, the sermon suggests turning to Jesus as our proof for life. How can this practical step be applied in moments of uncertainty? Share specific instances where focusing on Jesus has helped you overcome doubts.

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