Healthy Members, Healthy Church

Healthy churches, like gardens, require intentional nurturing beneath the surface to flourish. Explore how spiritual growth, recognizing individual roles, offering talents to God, and practicing humility can create a vibrant and impactful church community.


Suzette Maala

30 nov. 2024

Healthy Members, Healthy Church


Have you heard of the “Wood Wide Web”? Imagine walking into a lush garden where every plant is vibrant, healthy, and flourishing. You feel at peace, marveling at its beauty. Now, imagine another garden—overgrown weeds, drooping flowers, and withering leaves. The difference is startling! Beneath the surface, the plants in a healthy garden are actually communicating with each other through its roots, helping each other. This is called the “Wood Wide Web”.

Just like gardens, healthy churches don't just happen. Something is happening beneath the surface!

Today, we want to ask a crucial question: What does it take to build a church that is alive, growing, and spiritually impactful?

Many of us feel the weight of personal struggles, busyness, or even disconnection. The felt need is clear: we want a sense of purpose and belonging. But the real need goes deeper—we need to understand that the health of our church starts with the spiritual health of each one of us.

This sermon is topical, meaning we’ll draw from several parts of Scripture to uncover biblical truths. Together, we’ll explore the question, “How can we become healthy members of our church?” The answer lies in four key ways, which, if embraced, will not only transform you personally but also strengthen our church family.

Let’s get ready to discover how we can grow together and experience the joy and fruitfulness of being part of a thriving church community.

Four Ways to Become Healthy Members

1. Grow in Faith (Colossians 2:6-7)

The first step to becoming a healthy member is to grow in faith. Paul urges us to walk in Christ, rooted and built up in Him. Just as plants draw nourishment from their roots, we must deepen our relationship with Jesus daily. Faith is not static—it’s a journey of learning, trusting, and growing. It requires intentional effort to stay connected to Christ through prayer, studying His Word, and applying it to our lives. As we do, our faith strengthens, enabling us to stand firm and bear fruit for God’s glory.

2. Recognize Your Role (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Each of us has a God-given role in the church. Some of us are called to be leaders while others are called to be workers. Peter reminds us that we are stewards of God’s varied grace, called to use our gifts to serve one another. These gifts are unique expressions of God’s grace, designed to bless others and build up the body of Christ. When we use our talents faithfully, we not only fulfill our calling but also create a thriving, Christ-centered community. A healthy church flourishes when every member embraces their role and works together for the glory of God.

3. Offer Yourself to God and the church (Romans 12:3-5)

Paul teaches that we are one body with many members, each uniquely gifted by God. Healthy members recognize their gifts and dedicate them to the common good, contributing to the strength and unity of the church. Whether through teaching, encouraging, or helping, each gift plays a vital role in building up the body of Christ. Moreover, these gifts are not solely for human recognition but should be offered to God as an act of worship. By dedicating their talents to both God and the church, believers honor the Giver of their abilities and participate in His mission of love and service. A healthy church thrives when its members steward their gifts faithfully, seeking to glorify God in all they do.

4. Walk and Work Humbly with Others (Philippians 2:3-4)

Lastly, we must walk and work together with humility. Paul calls us to look not only to our own interests but also to the interests of others. A healthy church is marked by unity, collaboration, and selflessness. Let’s value one another and serve together for God’s glory. When we embrace humility and seek unity, we reflect Christ’s love to the world. This kind of selfless service strengthens the church and glorifies God. By working together in this way, we create a spiritual community that inspires others to seek God and experience His transforming love.


Here’s the main thing: Our church grows when each member grows! Imagine the transformation in our community if each of us committed to growing spiritually and serving faithfully. This coming 2025, let’s embrace this truth and take intentional steps to grow as healthy members. Commit yourself today to do these four ways—grow in faith, recognize your role, offer yourself to God and the church, and walk and work humbly with others. Together, we will see our church flourish like a vibrant garden, bringing glory to God and reaching others with His love.


1. In Colossians 2:6-7, Paul urges believers to be "rooted and built up in Christ." What specific steps can you take to deepen your relationship with Jesus daily? How can this impact your role in the church community?

2. 1 Peter 4:10-11 speaks about using our spiritual gifts to serve others. What are some ways you have used (or could use) your gifts to bless others in the church? How do you see your role contributing to the health of the church?

3. Romans 12:3-5 highlights the importance of offering our gifts to God and the church. How do you currently dedicate your talents to God's work, and what motivates you to serve faithfully?

4. Philippians 2:3-4 emphasizes humility and valuing others. How can we foster an attitude of unity and collaboration in our church? Can you share a time when selfless service strengthened a relationship or the community?

5.The sermon concludes with the idea that the church thrives when each member grows. What is one specific way you can contribute to making our church more like the vibrant garden described in the introduction? What support do you need to take that step?

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