Inside Out In Real Life

Processing our emotions can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. It requires effort, time, and courage to explore the depths of our inner selves. This journey is marked by ups and downs, but with God’s grace, we can evaluate our progress by looking at the life of Jesus, who exemplified what it means to be fully human while experiencing a wide range of emotions in various situations.


Suzette Maala

27 juil. 2024

Inside Out In Real Life


Processing our emotions can often feel overwhelming and frustrating. It requires effort, time, and courage to explore the depths of our inner selves. This journey is marked by ups and downs, but with God’s grace, we can evaluate our progress by looking at the life of Jesus, who exemplified what it means to be fully human while experiencing a wide range of emotions in various situations. What does it mean to be an emotionally mature disciple? Drawing from the example of Jesus, the first disciple, we can identify four key characteristics that reflect emotional maturity.

Four Characteristics

1. Able to process feelings with God and others. (Hebrews 5:7-9)

In Hebrews 5:7-9, Jesus shows how to process emotions by praying earnestly and crying out to God, demonstrating vulnerability and a deep connection with the Father. Emotionally healthy disciples of Jesus can follow this example by openly sharing their emotions with God, knowing He listens and responds. This practice fosters spiritual growth and maturity, aligning the disciple's heart with God's will and allowing them to experience His grace and comfort. Moreover, engaging with a community of faith where feelings can be shared openly and without judgment is crucial for emotional health, as it helps disciples develop resilience and empathy, enabling them to support and uplift others in their spiritual journeys.

2. Able to provide a non-anxious presence in a tense situation. (Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 26:52-54)

In Mark 4:35-41, Jesus demonstrates a non-anxious presence during a storm by calmly sleeping on a cushion while His disciples panic, which highlights His trust in God's power and sovereignty. When the disciples wake Him in fear, Jesus calmly rebukes the wind and waves, bringing peace to the situation and questioning their faith. Similarly, in Matthew 26:52-54, Jesus remains composed when Peter attempts to defend Him with violence, urging peace and emphasizing the fulfillment of God's plan through His arrest and crucifixion. By embodying a non-anxious presence, Jesus models how believers can remain calm and faithful in tense situations, trusting in God's ultimate control and purpose.

3. Able to empathize with people in love. (Hebrews 4:14-16)

Hebrews 4:14-16 emphasizes Jesus as our great high priest who can empathize with our weaknesses, having been tempted in every way yet without sin. This empathy is rooted in His deep love and understanding of the human experience, enabling believers to approach God's throne with confidence, seeking mercy and grace. As disciples of Christ, we are called to follow His example by empathizing with others, showing genuine care and compassion in our relationships. This empathy allows us to connect deeply with others, offering support and understanding, reflecting Christ's love in our actions and attitudes.

4. Able to discern God’s ways in various areas of life. (John 5:19-20; Matthew 11:28-30)

John 5:19-20 highlights the relationship between Jesus and God, emphasizing Jesus' ability to discern and follow God's ways perfectly. Jesus states that He does nothing by Himself but only what He sees the Father doing, illustrating a profound unity and dependence on God's guidance. This serves as a model for believers, encouraging them to seek God's guidance and discern His ways in various aspects of life. Matthew 11:28-30 invites believers to come to Jesus for rest, learning from Him, and finding peace in God's ways, which are gentle and humble. By developing a close relationship with God through prayer, study, and obedience, believers can better understand and apply God's wisdom and direction in their lives, discerning His ways in every situation they encounter.


In conclusion, emotional health in the Christian life is about walking and working with God in love. Following Jesus’ example, we can cultivate emotional maturity by processing feelings with God, maintaining a non-anxious presence, empathizing with others, and discerning God’s ways in life. These characteristics help us develop a life filled with love and compassion, reflecting Christ’s teachings in our daily actions. Emotional health isn't about avoiding turmoil but fostering a dynamic relationship with God, which enables us to love both Him and others fully.

Discussion Questions:

  1. How can we practice being more open with God about our emotions, and how might this change our relationship with Him and others in our community? Consider the importance of vulnerability and connection with the Father as shown in Hebrews 5:7-9.

  2. Reflecting on the story of Jesus calming the storm in Mark 4:35-41, how can we cultivate a non-anxious presence in our own lives, especially in tense or challenging situations? What practical steps can we take to increase our trust in God's sovereignty?

  3. Hebrews 4:14-16 portrays Jesus as our empathetic high priest. How can we develop this type of empathy in our daily interactions, and why is it crucial for fostering a Christ-like community? Share a personal experience where empathy made a difference in your relationships.

  4. How can we better discern God's guidance in different areas of our lives, as Jesus demonstrated in John 5:19-20? What spiritual practices or disciplines help us attune to God's will, and how can we encourage one another in this pursuit?

  5. The sermon emphasizes that emotional health means "walking and working with God in love." How do you interpret this statement in your life, and what challenges have you faced in aligning your emotional health with God's love and purpose?

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