How are you feeling today?

Emotions wield significant power over our lives. They can inspire, drive, and create joy or passion, but they can also lead to stress, paralysis, and pain. Mismanagement of emotions—either through repression or overexpression—can have detrimental effects. When we fail to handle our emotions in a healthy, Biblical manner, we risk becoming emotionally immature. Emotional maturity is crucial for our overall well-being and our ability to fulfill our calling in Christ.


Suzette Maala

6 juil. 2024

How are you feeling today?


Emotions wield significant power over our lives. They can inspire, drive, and create joy or passion, but they can also lead to stress, paralysis, and pain. Mismanagement of emotions—either through repression or overexpression—can have detrimental effects. When we fail to handle our emotions in a healthy, Biblical manner, we risk becoming emotionally immature. Emotional maturity is crucial for our overall well-being and our ability to fulfill our calling in Christ.

So, why is it important to confront our feelings with faith?

Three Reasons

1. Being full human includes our emotions. (Genesis 1:27, 2:7)

In Genesis 1:27, we learn that humanity is created in God's image, reflecting His character. Genesis 2:7 describes God breathing life into man, emphasizing our unique connection to Him. These verses together show that our emotions, as part of our God-given humanity, must be handled according to His will. When we process our emotions in alignment with God's guidance, we honor the divine image within us. This approach ensures that our emotional responses contribute to our spiritual growth and well-being.

2. Loving God and others includes our emotions. (Mark 12:29-31)

Mark 12:29-31 highlights Jesus' commandment to love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbors as ourselves. This comprehensive love encompasses our entire being, including our emotions. Loving God fully means that our feelings are engaged in our relationship with Him, reflecting passion and devotion. Similarly, loving others requires emotional empathy, compassion, and kindness. Thus, our emotions are integral to fulfilling these greatest commandments, demonstrating a holistic and sincere love for God and those around us.

3. Experiencing transformation includes our emotions. (Ephesians 4:29-31, Romans 12:1-2)

Ephesians 4:29-31 urges us to put away bitterness, anger, and malice, and instead to speak and act with kindness and compassion. Romans 12:1-2 calls us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, presenting our bodies as living sacrifices to God. This transformation involves not only our thoughts and actions but also our emotions, aligning them with God’s will. Experiencing true transformation means allowing the Holy Spirit to reshape our emotional responses, fostering love, joy, peace, and patience. Thus, our emotions play a vital role in our spiritual renewal, reflecting the inner change that comes from a deep relationship with God.


  1. Turning Point: “Feelings are essential to our well-being and calling.”

  2. Embrace and honor your feelings, for they are essential to your well-being and calling, guiding you to live authentically and fulfill God's purpose in your life. Let your emotions be aligned with faith, transforming you into a vessel of His love and grace.

  3. Take a few moments to reflect quietly on your current emotions and write them down in a journal. Pray for God’s guidance in understanding and managing these feelings, seeking His strength to align them with His will and purpose for your life.


  1. How do you currently manage your emotions, and what challenges do you face in aligning them with God's will?

  2. In what ways can acknowledging and expressing our emotions deepen our relationship with God and others?

  3. How can we practically incorporate the commandment to love God and others with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength into our daily lives?

  4. Reflect on a time when your emotions either hindered or helped your spiritual growth. What did you learn from that experience?

  5. How can we support each other in our small group to experience emotional and spiritual transformation together?

Memorize this verse

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