We all fall short, either based on our own standards, the standards of others, or the standards of God Himself. The results are guilt and shame. It's hard to lift your head up high when you feel this way. The tendency is to be discouraged, to hold back, to put up a front, or to withdraw from others, even from God. It's hard to hear the word of God or to read your Bible when you feel guilty about your sins and mistakes. It's worse when you have a very critical or overly sensitive mind.
Bong Baylon
3 juin 2024
We all fall short, either based on our own standards, the standards of others, or the standards of God Himself. The results are guilt and shame. It's hard to lift your head up high when you feel this way. The tendency is to be discouraged, to hold back, to put up a front, or to withdraw from others, even from God. It's hard to hear the word of God or to read your Bible when you feel guilty about your sins and mistakes. It's worse when you have a very critical or overly sensitive mind. The stream of condemning words never lets up even when you sleep.
This is the reason why we need Jesus. He saves us from our guilt and shame. He cleanses us and renews us, making us righteous again before God. This is the reason why He died on the cross, to pay for our sins and the sins of the world. We can always come to Him in the midst of our failures and sins. He will not condemn us. He will not throw stones at us. He will redeem us and make us whole again, so that we can live our lives free from the punishment and power of sin. If you trust in Him, you will be forgiven.
But this does not mean that we will never sin again and therefore we will no longer need forgiveness from Him. The presence of sin remains while we are living in our mortal bodies in this world and in this present age. So, in our daily lives, we will constantly need God's forgiveness, for we will always fall short. But thanks be to God that we are no longer living in condemnation (Romans 8:1). We can be set free, not just from the punishment of our sins, but also free to live a life of righteousness, which is by faith in Jesus Christ from beginning to end.
This is salvation, to be forgiven of our sins, not just in the past or the present, but in each and every instance that we fall short. Come to Jesus any time you are tempted or you fall into temptation (1 John 1:5-10). Stay in His light. He will forgive you and cleanse you of all your sins if you will confess your sins (i.e., agree with Him with regard to your sins). Then, He will empower you by His grace to sin no more. It may require a process of transformation, but if you persevere by faith, He will give you victory. Stay accountable to others, especially in the body of Christ, and among spiritual friends and companions. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling (i.e., with seriousness of intention and regular discipline, Philippians 2:12-13), for it is God who is at work in you to make you willing and able to do His will.
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