Test of Obedience

Tests are an essential part of our journey, refining and preparing us for God's work. They act as a purification process, enhancing our character and faith. Tests confirm the genuineness of our faith and build perseverance, patience, and spiritual maturity in us. Additionally, they prepare us for future challenges so that we can fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Tests are God's invitation for us to grow deeper in our faith in Him.


Suzette Maala

29 juin 2024

Test of Obedience


Tests are an essential part of our journey, refining and preparing us for God's work. They act as a purification process, enhancing our character and faith. Tests confirm the genuineness of our faith and build perseverance, patience, and spiritual maturity in us. Additionally, they prepare us for future challenges so that we can fulfill God's purpose for our lives. Tests are God's invitation for us to grow deeper in our faith in Him.

Today, we will journey through one of the most profound and challenging tests in the Bible—Abraham’s test of obedience in Genesis 22. This narrative is not just a historical account but a spiritual lesson that speaks directly to our hearts and lives today. The purpose of this test is to help Abraham move forward and deeper in his spiritual journey of faith. (Genesis 22:1-2, 15-18).

As we explore this passage, we will focus on three key faith responses that Abraham exemplified during one of the most difficult trials a person could face. These responses are not only relevant but essential for us as we navigate our own tests and challenges. Through Abraham’s obedience, we will discover how to move forward and deepen our own relationship with God in times of tests.

Three Faith Responses During A Test

1. Obey God out of worship. (Genesis 22:3-5)

In Genesis 22:3-5, Abraham's immediate and prepared obedience to God's command to sacrifice his son Isaac highlights the depth of his faith and reverence to God. He acted promptly, showing his willingness to follow God's will without hesitation. His preparation for the journey and the sacrifice indicates a strong commitment and dedication to fulfilling God's command because he wants to worship God in spite of the difficulty of the command itself. In the same way, when we are tested, we must obey God out of worship even if we don’t know what’s going on or what’s going to happen next. 

2. Trust God for the details. (Genesis 22:6-8)

Genesis 22:6-8 teaches us to trust God for the details during tests by facing uncertainty with faith, maintaining a calm assurance in God’s provision, obeying without needing all the answers, reassuring others in our faith, and continuing the journey together with others. Abraham’s example shows that trusting God in the midst of trials involves a deep, unwavering confidence that He will provide and work out the details according to His perfect plan. In the same way, we must trust God for the details of what He is commanding us to do.

3. Listen to God for further instructions. (Genesis 22:9-14)

Genesis 22:9-14 teaches us to listen to God for further instructions by maintaining continued obedience, being attentive to His voice, pausing to reassess when He speaks, trusting in His timing and provision, recognizing His sovereignty, and validating our faith through our responsiveness. Abraham’s example shows that listening to God during tests ensures we follow His will accurately and experience His provision and guidance along the way. In the same way, we may not be sure about everything. But we must be willing to listen continuously as the Lord gives us further instructions along the way.


  1. Turning Point: “To deepen your faith, God will test it.”

  2. Let us open our hearts to what God wants to teach us today. May we be inspired by Abraham’s example to obey God out of worship, trust God with the details, and listen to Him for His further instructions during times of testing.

  3. Let’s embark on this journey together by moving forward in faith even though we don’t know what is ahead.


  1. How does Abraham's immediate obedience to God's command in Genesis 22:3-5 challenge or inspire you in your own faith journey? Can you share an experience where you had to obey God without understanding the full picture?

  2. In Genesis 22:6-8, Abraham demonstrates trust in God's provision even when the details are unclear. What are some practical ways we can cultivate this kind of trust in our daily lives, especially during times of uncertainty?

  3. Abraham’s willingness to listen to God’s further instructions in Genesis 22:9-14 ensured he followed God’s will accurately. How can we improve our ability to hear and discern God’s voice in our own lives?

  4. Tests often reveal the depth of our faith and trust in God. Can you discuss a time when a challenging situation tested your faith? How did you respond, and what did you learn about your relationship with God?

  5. In what ways can we support and encourage each other in our small group to obey, trust, and listen to God more fully? Share some practical steps or actions we can take to strengthen our community’s faith and obedience.

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