Gladness In Weakness

Nowadays, trial by publicity has become a norm most especially in social media. Whenever something is posted, it is easy for the public to make comments and sometimes, even bash people. Now, put yourself in the situation of those who are being bashed. Never mind if the accusations are true or not.


Suzette Maala

22 juin 2024

Gladness In Weakness


Nowadays, trial by publicity has become a norm most especially in social media. Whenever something is posted, it is easy for the public to make comments and sometimes, even bash people. Now, put yourself in the situation of those who are being bashed. Never mind if the accusations are true or not.

How would you feel? When people are accusing you, insulting you, looking down at you, and doing all sorts of evil against you… well, how would you feel? If you are in their situation, you probably will feel mad, bad, and sad. In other words, your weakness will show! You will not feel glad. But that’s what exactly Paul is saying in 2 Corinthians 12:6-10. How can you be glad when you are in the midst of a “thorn in the flesh”? (He is referring to a person who was probably giving him such a hard time.) We can easily relate to this.

Sometimes we encounter people in our lives who do not wish us well. It seems that they are out to hurt us. How do we respond? Paul says, “Be glad!” But why? He gives us three reasons.

Three Reasons To Be Glad In The Midst Of Difficult People

1. God is forming us. (vv.6-7)

When Paul spoke about a “thorn” (singular), he was probably describing a particular person who was opposed to him and his ministry. This person may be causing him continuous trouble and distress. He was probably having a hard time dealing with this person. Paul recognized this negative person as both a messenger of Satan and also as a gift from God for his character formation. In the same way, when we are being harassed or hurt by someone (or by several people), we can be glad because the Lord is forming us into the likeness of Jesus.

2. God is sustaining us. (vv.8-9a)

Paul prayed at least three times (or maybe even more) asking God to remove this “thorn”. But the Lord’s answer was a No. He said, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” God does not promise us a smooth and happy life free of negative experiences. Instead, He promises us His constant presence, power, and purpose regardless of what is happening in our lives. We can be glad even in the midst of difficult people because we know the Lord is with us and He will never leave us nor forsake us.

3. God is affirming us. (vv.9b-10)

Paul says that he takes pride in his weaknesses because they allow Christ’s power to be evident in his life. He finds joy in experiencing insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties for Christ's sake, as these challenges make him more reliant on divine strength and affirms His calling versus those who rely on their strengths (i.e., the false apostles). Paul concludes that true strength comes from recognizing his own limitations and allowing God’s power to work through his weaknesses. In the same way, God affirms His calling on us to be His true servants as we recognize our weaknesses and rely on His strength alone.


  1. Turning Point: "God works through weakness, not greatness."

  2. Don’t feel mad, bad, or sad when you are harassed by difficult people. Be glad because He is forming you, sustaining you, and affirming you as His servant.

  3. Identify a person in your life who has been a "thorn" and take a concrete step toward forgiveness and reconciliation, whether it is through a heartfelt conversation, a letter, or an act of kindness.


  1. How have you experienced a "thorn in the flesh" in your own life, particularly in the form of a difficult person? How did you respond initially, and how might you respond differently now in light of Paul's teaching?

  2. In what ways can difficult people or situations shape us into the likeness of Jesus? Can you share a personal example where a challenging relationship led to spiritual growth?

  3. Reflect on a time when you prayed for God to remove a difficult situation or person from your life, but the situation remained unchanged. How did you experience God's grace and power during that time?

  4. How can we practically remind ourselves of God's sufficient grace and presence when we are in the midst of trials and adversities? What strategies or practices have helped you?

  5. Paul takes pride in his weaknesses because they allow Christ's power to be evident in his life. How can embracing our own weaknesses and relying on God's strength change the way we view and handle personal and interpersonal challenges?

Memorize this verse

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