Your Spiritual Family

How do you see the church? For many, the church is just a building or a place to go to for religious activities. But what is it really? It's the people of God, the spiritual family of God, brought together...


Bong Baylon

20 avr. 2024

Your Spiritual Family

How do you see the church? For many, the church is just a building or a place to go to for religious activities. But what is it really? It's the people of God, the spiritual family of God, brought together in Christ by the Spirit of God. When we look at the church as just a place to fulfill our religious obligations and nothing more, we will fall into the trap of consumerism. We will shop around for the best church that fits our needs. And, for as long as it meets our needs, we will stay there and maybe even commit our time, talents, and treasures there. For a time. But what if it no longer meets our needs? A consumer Christian will of course look for a better church. That's the most logical and natural thing to do.

But what if the church that God calls you to join is your spiritual family? Family matters. It's different. You stick with your family even though they are not perfect. Of course, it would be different if your family is toxic. That's an exception. In that case, it would be wise to distance yourself from them for the sake of your own mental and spiritual health. But then again that is an exception. In a typical family, you will find a lot of imperfections. But you will still love them and they will still love you in return, even though you are also imperfect just like them. And, even though you might leave them to start your own family someday, you will still consider them as your family and yourself as part of them. You will remain in touch. You will continue to practice the values and virtues of your family. If the church that you belong to is your spiritual family, you will not consider it as one of those "shops" that you might want to visit if it fits your schedule or preference.

Family matters, especially your Christian family. That's why you must pray and discern where the Lord is planting you. Becoming part of a spiritual family is a sacred choice. It's part of your vocational calling. You need to discern it wisely. Once it becomes clear to you that the Lord is planting you in a specific community of believers, and you have peace in your heart, make a commitment to that spiritual family. Don't shop around or go church hopping. However, if ever there comes a time that you feel led by the Lord to join a different community, do so with integrity and compassion. There will be a grieving process and you cannot rush it. Let your departure be done in love, mercy, and grace so that letting go will not become bitter or painful for all those involved. Family always matters. Leaving your spiritual family will not be easy, both for you as well as for them. But the Lord is sovereign over such matters. We can process it by faith if it becomes necessary to do so, and if we know it is the Lord who is behind such a decision.

If the Lord plants you in a specific community, get to know your spiritual family well. Make every effort to find out its mandate, marks of success, motivations, and methods. Participate in its life and ministry. Reach out to others so that they can be part of your spiritual family also. Obtain training so that you can become a productive member of your community. Maintain godliness and holiness together with others so that your community can remain effective. Invest your time, talents, and treasures to help your community grow and be strong. Serve the Lord in and through your community. Discover your spiritual gifts and offer yourself as a participant rather than a mere recipient of your community's graces. Last but not least, encourage everyone to imitate you in your commitment. If ever the Lord assigns you to a different geographical location, consider it as an expansion of your community. Find out how you can replicate your community in that new place rather than shop around for a new church. In that way, you can help your spiritual family grow.

Remember, your spiritual family is important. Just like your biological family, they need you and you need them to become the best expression of God's church wherever you are. This is God's will for His people. If you think differently, God will make it clear to you.

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