"Chicken Soup for the Soul" by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen has sold over 11 million copies. But it is nothing compared to "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill, which sold over 70 million copies. Nevertheless, the Bible far surpasses any of these self-help books. In fact, over 5 billion copies have already been sold, distributed, or gifted globally, making it the best-selling book of all time.
However, it’s not a self-help book. It is both a spiritual book and a practical book. God wants us to use it in practical ways in our daily lives. But many people still see the Bible as impractical because they view it as something disconnected from daily life. Its ancient and complex teachings can feel hard to understand and apply. Negative experiences and competing worldviews often reinforce the idea that the Bible is just a bunch of rules, and not much help in real life.
How can we see the practicality of the Bible? Let’s explore three ways the Bible can serve as a practical book for daily living based on 2 Timothy 3:10-17.
Three Practical Use of the Bible
1. Use it as a “Life Map” (vv. 10-13)
Paul highlights his own example of godly living, as seen in verses 10-11, where he lists his teaching, conduct, purpose, faith, patience, love, endurance, persecutions, and sufferings. He urges Timothy in verses 12-13 to remain steadfast in what he has learned from Paul and the others, who also taught him by word and example what he has firmly believed as a Christian and as a leader. The Bible provides a clear path for enduring trials, growing in faith, and staying true to God's purposes as exemplified by these mentors.
We can create a "life map" by setting daily priorities and practices aligned with biblical teachings, following Paul's and other’s example of perseverance and trust in God's deliverance.
2. Use it as a “Discernment Tool” (vv. 14-15)
In verses 14-15, Paul reminds Timothy that from infancy, he has known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make him wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus. This wisdom for salvation extends to helping us discern God's will. Salvation is the ongoing work of God in our lives, and the Scriptures guide us in navigating various life challenges and making key decisions wisely.
Before making major decisions, take time to pray and meditate on passages related to your situation, much like Timothy was encouraged to rely on Scripture. Share your challenges with a trusted Christian mentor or group and practice asking, "What does the Bible say about this?"
3. Use it as a “Ministry Manual” (vv. 16-17)
In verses 16-17, Paul declares that all Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness. This equips the servant of God for every good work, including teaching others, correcting misunderstandings, and living a godly life.
The Bible serves as a comprehensive guide for serving others in ministry and growing into Christ-like maturity. To equip yourself effectively, study how Jesus and His disciples ministered to people, as vividly illustrated in the Gospels. Offer encouragement, correction, and support grounded in God’s Word, using your spiritual gifts to build up the church and reach the lost.
"The Bible is a practical (not just spiritual) book." It’s not just a book for spiritual matters; it’s a tool for practical living. Let’s intentionally incorporate Scripture into our daily lives. Commit to a practical step, like starting a Bible study group in your home, school, or workplace. Encourage one another by studying the Bible together and applying it in practical ways.
Discussion Questions
1.How does the Bible serve as a "life map" for you personally?
2.What specific challenges in life could you approach differently by applying Scripture?
3.How do you discern God's will using the Bible?
4.What practical steps can you take to use Scripture in your interactions with others?
5.Share a time when applying a specific verse made a difference in your life.