Sharing the Word

Have you ever felt too ordinary to share God’s Word with others? Maybe you thought, “I don’t know enough about the Bible,” or, “What if they ask me something I can’t answer?” Here’s the good news: God doesn’t call the extraordinary—He uses ordinary people who are willing to walk with Him. Think about the early disciples—fishermen, tax collectors, ordinary people like you and me.


Suzette Maala

25 janv. 2025

Sharing the Word


Have you ever felt too ordinary to share God’s Word with others? Maybe you thought, “I don’t know enough about the Bible,” or, “What if they ask me something I can’t answer?” Here’s the good news: God doesn’t call the extraordinary—He uses ordinary people who are willing to walk with Him. Think about the early disciples—fishermen, tax collectors, ordinary people like you and me. Yet, because they spent time with Jesus, their lives made an eternal difference. Today, we’ll explore four simple but powerful steps you can take to share the Word of God in your everyday life.

Four Steps to Share the Word

1. Walk with Jesus (Acts 4:13)

“When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and took note that these men had been with Jesus.” Peter and John weren’t highly educated or influential, but the one thing that stood out was this: They had been with Jesus. Their courage and boldness came from their relationship with Him. You can’t share what you don’t have. When you walk with Jesus daily, His presence transforms you, giving you the courage and wisdom to share His Word. Start your day by spending time with Jesus—through prayer, reading the Bible, or simply sitting quietly in His presence. Let Him fill your heart so you can overflow to others. Think of a sponge. When it’s soaked in water, it naturally releases water when squeezed. The same is true for us—when we’re filled with Jesus, we can’t help but share Him. Have you been with Jesus? What are you doing daily to walk with Him?

2. Walk the Talk (Matthew 5:16)

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” People don’t just listen to your words—they watch your life. If we say we follow Jesus but our actions don’t match, it sends a mixed message. Your actions speak louder than your words. When you live a life of kindness, integrity, and love, it opens the door for spiritual conversations. Look for opportunities to demonstrate God’s love—whether it’s helping a neighbor, forgiving someone who hurt you, or showing kindness in your workplace. Does your life reflect the gospel you proclaim? If not, what needs to change?

3. Walk with Others (John 1:41-42)

“The first thing Andrew did was to find his brother Simon and tell him, ‘We have found the Messiah.’ And he brought him to Jesus.” Andrew didn’t preach a sermon or perform a miracle—he simply brought his brother to Jesus. Sharing God’s Word often starts with the people closest to us: family, friends, and coworkers. Sharing your faith doesn’t have to be complicated. Sometimes, it’s as simple as saying, “Come and see.” Think of one person in your life who doesn’t know Jesus. Start by praying for them daily, then look for an opportunity to invite them to church, a small group, or just a conversation about faith. Who is your ‘Simon’? Who can you bring to Jesus this week?

4. Walk in Faith (1 Corinthians 3:6-7)

“I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow.” Sometimes we feel pressure to say the perfect thing or see immediate results when we share God’s Word. But remember this: it’s not your job to change hearts—that’s God’s job. Sharing God’s Word is an act of faith. Your role is to plant the seed and trust God with the outcome. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away. Keep praying, keep sharing, and trust that God is working behind the scenes. Are you willing to plant seeds, even if you don’t see the harvest right away?


"Walking faithfully spreads God’s Word effectively." God uses ordinary people to accomplish His extraordinary mission. You don’t need to have all the answers or be perfect—you just need to walk with Jesus, walk the talk, walk with others, and walk in faith. Imagine what God could do through you if you took these steps this week. Your simple acts of faith could change someone’s eternity.

Discussion Questions

1. What does it mean to “walk with Jesus” in your daily life? How can you grow in this area?

2. Are there areas of your life where your actions don’t align with your faith? How can you address this?

3. Who in your life needs to hear about Jesus? What’s one practical step you can take to share God’s love with them?

4. How can you trust God more with the results of sharing your faith?

5. Share a time when someone’s words or actions pointed you to Jesus. How did it impact you?

Memorize this verse

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