Jesus: The Model of True Humility

Imagine a world where everyone puts others first—a world of genuine relationships and deeper purpose. In Philippians 2:5-8, the Apostle Paul calls us to embrace the humility of Jesus, transforming our lives and relationships through selflessness, servanthood, and submission.


Bong Baylon

9 févr. 2025

Jesus: The Model of True Humility


Imagine a world where everyone puts others first—where self-interest takes a backseat. It’s a beautiful thought, yet in reality, we live in a culture that often celebrates power, status, and personal success over humility. From social media to the workplace, the message is clear: “Look out for yourself.” But deep inside, we know something is missing. We long for genuine relationships, deeper purpose, and a life that truly reflects what we were created for.

Our felt need is to be appreciated and respected, but our real need is really to embrace the humility that brings true fulfillment and unity in our relationships. The Bible teaches that humility is not weakness but strength under control. It’s not thinking less of yourself but thinking of yourself less.

In Philippians 2:5-8, the Apostle Paul presents Jesus Christ as the ultimate example of humility. Writing to a church struggling with division and selfish ambition, Paul urges believers to adopt the same mindset as Christ—one marked by true humility.

If we take this message to heart, it will transform our relationships, our leadership, and our daily lives. We will experience true greatness—not by exalting ourselves but by humbling ourselves before God and others, just like Jesus.

In this sermon, we will explore three key characteristics of true humility exemplified by Jesus as described in Philippians 2:5-8. As we journey through this passage, we must not only admire Christ’s humility but seek to imitate Him in our own lives by faith through the power of the Holy Spirit..

Three Characteristics of True Humility (as seen in Jesus)

1. Selflessness (Verse 6):

"Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage."

Jesus, though fully God, chose not to exploit or assert His divine status for personal gain. Instead of clinging to His rights, He willingly set them aside for the sake of others. His mindset was not one of entitlement but of sacrifice. True humility begins with selflessness which is based on a secure identity. Laxman Narasimhan, who became the CEO of Starbucks in March 2023 and before officially assuming the role, chose to work as a barista in various Starbucks locations, immersing himself in the daily routines and challenges faced by frontline employees. He did not demand special treatment but instead donned the green apron, learned to make drinks, and engaged directly with both staff and customers. This hands-on approach allowed him to experience the company's operations from the ground up, fostering a deeper understanding of the workforce's experiences and challenges. Now Jesus did something far greater. He left the glories of heaven to live among us, identifying with our struggles. In everyday life, selflessness can be practiced in our relationships by prioritizing the needs of others over our own comfort. In the workplace, it means working with integrity and putting team success above personal recognition or reputation. In the church, selflessness is expressed when we serve in roles that may go unnoticed but are vital to the body of Christ.

2. Servanthood (Verse 7):

"Rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness."

Jesus not only set aside His privileges, but He also took on the very nature of a servant. He did not just act like a servant—He became one, fully dedicating Himself to meeting the needs of others. True humility is demonstrated in a willingness to serve without seeking recognition. The "Doctors to the Barrios" program, pioneered in 1993 by Health Secretary Juan Flavier, exemplifies a commitment to serving underserved communities. This initiative encourages medical professionals to practice in remote and rural areas, addressing the healthcare needs of populations with limited access to medical services. For example, Dr. Maria Socorro Kristina Medina left her position in Metro Manila to serve in Almagro, a remote town in Samar province. Her decision is an example of servanthood. But Jesus did something far greater—He willingly took on human form and lived to serve, even to the point of washing the feet of His disciples. In daily life, servanthood means looking for opportunities to help where no one else wants to. It could be doing household chores without being asked, assisting a struggling coworker, or volunteering in the community. In the church, it means stepping into roles that serve others rather than seeking positions of status.

3. Submission (Verse 8):

"And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross!"

Jesus’ humility ultimately led Him to complete obedience to the Father’s will, even to the point of dying on the cross. His submission was not partial or conditional—it was total. True humility is demonstrated in full surrender to God, even when it comes at great personal cost. One of our members, Vero, married Matthew Barnes and migrated to the US. But she never met her father-in-law, also named Matthew. He was a New York City firefighter. He risked his life to save others but he, along with six other members of Ladder 25, died on September 11, 2001 while responding to the World Trade Center attacks. He was 37 years old. But Jesus did something far greater—He willingly faced suffering and death to accomplish our salvation. Submission in our lives means trusting God’s plan, even when we do not fully understand it. It means choosing to obey God’s commands over our own desires, whether in matters of integrity, purity, or generosity. In times of difficulty, it means surrendering to God’s refining process rather than resisting His work in our lives.


True humility is nothing but true Christlikeness. He did not cling to His divine rights, took on the form of a servant, and obeyed to the point of death. If we are to follow Christ, we must embrace His humility in our daily lives. Imagine how our relationships, workplaces, and communities would change if we all embraced Christ’s mindset—putting others before ourselves, serving without seeking recognition, and obeying God with full trust. This kind of humility is not natural; it requires faith and the power of the Holy Spirit. But God is ready to shape our hearts if we surrender to Him.

Find one area in your life today where pride has taken root—whether in your thoughts, actions, or relationships—and ask yourself, “What would Jesus think, say, or do, if He was me in this situation?” Seek the Holy Spirit’s help to reflect Christ’s selflessness, servanthood, and submission. As you do, you will not only become more like Jesus but also bring His presence into the lives of those around you.

Questions for Personal or Group Reflection

  1. In what areas of your life do you struggle with selflessness, and how can you follow Christ’s example in Philippians 2:6?

  2. Jesus took on the nature of a servant (Philippians 2:7). What are some practical ways you can embrace a servant’s heart in your daily interactions?

  3. True humility requires submission to God’s will (Philippians 2:8). What is one area in your life where you need to surrender to God’s plan rather than your own desires?

  4. How does Christ’s example of humility challenge the world’s definition of success, and how can you live differently because of it?

  5. What is one specific step you will take this week to cultivate the mindset of Christ in your relationships, workplace, or church community?

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Choosing True Humility

True humility is often overlooked in today's world, whether in politics, the marketplace, or even within the church. Guided by 1 Corinthians 4:1-13, this message emphasizes the importance of humility over pride, presenting three essential choices to embrace humility in our lives, relationships, and ministries.

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