Communicating Well in Our Community

Discover how to transform your communication habits through spiritual growth. By processing our internal motives and practicing new ways of living, we can foster positive interactions and build a stronger community of faith. Delve into Ephesians 4:25-31 and learn how to become a beneficial influence within your community.


Suzette Maala

12 oct. 2024

Communicating Well in Our Community


Our experiences growing up shape our communication habits today. These experiences shape how we express ourselves and our willingness to do so.Some of these communication habits are positive, while others are harmful and can hinder us from becoming a community of faith.This is not what God wants. We are called to build up one another, so that we may grow together as the Body of Christ. Therefore, we are to exert effor to cooperate with God so that we can become green flags and help one another.

We will discuss Ephesians 4:25-31 to learn how we can improve our communication skills and become a positive influence in our community. There are two ways we can start in order for God to work in and through us. 

Two Ways 

  1. Process our internal motives with God (Ephesians 4:25-28) - The goal of spiritual growth is not to change our behavior but to transform the underlying reasons for our actions. We can only do so by seeking God's guidance to identify and address the root causes of our negative behaviors. Once identified, we can start processing it with God and allow Him to make the transformation in us.

  2. Practice new ways of living from God. Ephesians 4:29-32 - In our daily life, we are to come alongside Jesus and allow Him to teach us His ways. This involves developing new habits, attitudes, and behaviors that reflect the values of the Kingdom of God. This requires practice and cooperation with God. 


We do not become a community accidentally, but intentionally. We are to Process our internal motives with God and Practice new ways of living from God. In doing so, we will be better in communicating and become green flags that are beneficial for our community of faith.


  1. Think about how your past experiences have shaped the way you communicate. Have these communication habits helped or harmed the people around you? How?

  2. What are some common "red flag" communication habits that can hinder relationships within a community of faith?

  1. Why should we work on improving our communication habits?

  1. Which of these two ways do you need to work on more, and why?

  1. What specific steps can you take to communicate more effectively this week?

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