All In, All Out!
Same mission, no limitation!
Our anniversary theme, “All In, All Out!” is both inspiring and challenging. It is based on Isaiah 54:2-3. The subtitle, “Same Mission, No Limitation!” amplifies the excitement and captures what the pastoral team and I believe the Lord wants us to focus on in 2025. This theme is not just a slogan; it’s a rallying cry for us to pursue God’s mission with renewed zeal and determination.
But how do we translate this powerful declaration into reality? How do we move beyond words and step into action? Thankfully, God’s Word offers us the guidance we need. Matthew 28:19-20, also known as the Great Commission, is the foundation of every Christian church's purpose, and it remains as relevant today as it was when Jesus first spoke it. This passage outlines three key mindsets that will serve as our spiritual GPS for 2025, equipping us to fulfill the theme of “All In, All Out!”
Mindset 1: Be Outwardly Looking
The first directive Jesus gave in the Great Commission is to “Go.” While the main command in this passage is to “make disciples,” the accompanying verbs—go, baptize, and teach—are participles that indicate how this command is to be carried out. “Go” can be understood as “going” or “as you are going,” emphasizing the active and outward nature of our mission. However, the early church struggled with this command. In the first eight chapters of Acts, the disciples stayed in Jerusalem until persecution scattered them, forcing them to fulfill Jesus’ mandate. Similarly, we often grow comfortable and inward-focused, forgetting God’s call to look outward. As a church, we must resist complacency and prioritize reaching others for Christ. This outward focus can begin even in our worship services by giving special attention to first-timers and considering how we can create a welcoming environment. Our mission is not to settle but to reach more people for Christ.
Mindset 2: Be Always Saving
The second participle in this passage, “baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit,” points to the essential work of evangelism. Baptism represents a public declaration of faith and a spiritual milestone in one’s journey with Christ. Jesus commands us to engage in this work because saving souls is the heart of our mission. Evangelism must be more than an occasional activity; it should permeate everything we do. Worship services, small groups, and other church activities are all valuable, but their ultimate purpose must be to lead people to Christ. We cannot assume that those who attend church are already saved. Let us make it our personal responsibility to ensure that everyone we encounter has heard the good news and has had the opportunity to respond.
Mindset 3: Be Regularly Teaching
The third participle, “teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you,” underscores the importance of discipleship. Teaching is not just about transferring knowledge; it is about shaping lives and cultivating obedience to God’s Word. At RLCC, we value relationships, but these relationships must lead to spiritual growth through regular teaching. Discipleship involves more than casual discussions; it requires intentional exploration of Scripture and equipping believers with the tools they need to follow Christ wholeheartedly. This process strengthens individuals and builds a unified community devoted to fulfilling the Great Commission. As we move forward, let us commit to learning and teaching God’s Word consistently, helping others grow in their faith and obedience.
The theme “All In, All Out!” reflects our desire to embrace the Great Commission with passion and purpose. However, this theme will remain an empty slogan unless we adopt the necessary mindsets: being outwardly looking, always saving, and regularly teaching. As we celebrate our anniversary and look ahead to 2025, let us remember this unchanging truth: “Our primary mission must always be the Great Commission.” So, be all in and all out this coming 2025! May we fully commit ourselves to this mission given to us by Jesus, allowing God to work through us as we go out, save people, and teach them always.
1. Outward Focus: How can you cultivate an outward focus in your daily life, ensuring that you actively look for opportunities to share God’s love with others?
2. Evangelism: What fears or challenges prevent you from actively sharing the Gospel with others? How can you overcome them with God’s help and the help of others in our church?
3. Discipleship: In what ways can you commit to learning the word of God from others or intentional teaching or mentoring others in our church?
4. Great Commission: Reflect on the Great Commission’s call to “make disciples.” How can you align your priorities this year to help our church fulfill this mission?
5.Personal Application: What is one specific step you feel God is calling you to take in response to this sermon, “All In, All Out”?