Joseph: From Anxious to Truly Righteous

Introduction Not everyone will be merry this Christmas. There are many reasons for this. It has been said that seasons like this amplify whatever feelings we might have at the moment. If we are sad or...


Bong Baylon

25 déc. 2023

Joseph: From Anxious to Truly Righteous


Not everyone will be merry this Christmas. There are many reasons for this. It has been said that seasons like this amplify whatever feelings we might have at the moment. If we are sad or anxious, we will experience more of it during the Christmas season. If we are generally happy, we will probably experience a more joyful Christmas. The Christmas story in the Bible features several characters. So far we've studied three of them in our series this month. Now, we are going to study one last character: Joseph. He probably was not that happy when he first found out that Mary was pregnant. He and Mary, although they were engaged, have not yet come together as husband and wife. The legal, social, and religious implications of her pregnancy probably caused much sadness and anxiety in Joseph. He was confused, at the very least, and he needed guidance from the Lord. Let's trace the story in Matthew 1:18-25 and see how the Lord delivered him.

Five Movements

First, The bad news: Joseph finds out that Mary is pregnant. (v. 18) - No one wants to hear bad news. But life happens. Something or someone causes us pain, and we’re saddened, and hurt, not knowing why. We feel we don’t deserve this or it’s unfair. The Christmas season can make this feeling even worse.

Second, The initial response: Joseph tries to solve the problem with his wisdom. (v. 19) - No one wants to remain sad or anxious. We want to resolve those feelings as soon as possible. So we look for ways to get rid of them. But they don’t go away. They stay and our misery continues. Most people may not even know what’s going on in our hearts.

Third, Divine guidance is received: Joseph is informed by an angel about Jesus. (vv. 20-21) - The Lord knows when we are experiencing confusion and desolation. He takes the initiative to help us focus on the truth that can bring clarity to our situation. Jesus is the answer to all our questions, even though, sometimes, our doubts may still linger on.

Fourth, Scripture is confirmed: God confirms His promise in the Old Testament. (vv. 22-23) - Our circumstances may be difficult, and it may be hard to predict, but the word of the Lord will stand forever. It is totally trustworthy. Our feelings do not determine the truth; the truth must guide our feelings. Trusting God’s word in times of confusion is the best option.

Last but not least, True righteousness is displayed: Joseph obeys by faith. (vv. 24-25) - We can’t wait until our negative feelings have disappeared before we trust and obey the Lord. God’s word is the anchor to our souls and we must go ahead and act based on His promises, even if we don’t understand everything.

Conclusion: Turning Point: "When you're sad or anxious, always trust in Jesus." You may not feel merry this Christmas. Perhaps, there are legitimate reasons to feel sad or anxious instead. But the good news of Christmas is that God, through Jesus, chose to enter into our human experience so that, through Him, we can find redemption. Trust and obey the Lord despite your feelings. Like Joseph, move forward through life by faith.

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